Stylianoudi Lily

Lily M.G. Stylianoudi

Biographical note

Brief note on:

M.-G. Lily Strylianoudi, Social and Legal Anthropologist, Research Professor and Director of the Research Center for Greek Society (RCGS)  of the Academy of Athens since 2003, studied Law at the Law School of Athens University (M.A. 1976), Social Anthropology at the Université de Paris VII – Jussieu (Licence 1978, Maîtrise 1979), and Legal Anthropology at the Sorbonne (D.E.A. de Droits Etrangers: Droits Africains 1977) where in 1984 she obtained her doctorate in Legal Anthropology (Title of her doctorate: Droit et Société en Ethiopie Médiévale. Ser’ ata Mangest: Analyse Sémiotique d’ un Texte Juridique Ethiopien).

Her main scientific interests comprise Anthropology of Law and Legal Institutions, Clinical Anthropology, Juvenile Deviant Behaviour (psychological and/or delinquent), Semiotics and Semiotic Discourse Analysis, Research Methods and Interpretative Tools in Social Science. She has done fieldwork in Ethiopia (Amhara), in the Vili Community in Paris (Vili of the Congo Brazzaville), New Zealand (Maori) and in different regions in Greece. She has participated in many research projects, taught in different institutions, is the author of many articles, co-author and co-editor of different publications as well as the main editor of the Centre’s Year Book “Greek Society” and its Publication Series. Current research projects include “Modern Laws, Modern Institutions, and Modern Family Forms”, “Problems of the Greek Society caused by Modern Migration”, “Traditional Therapeutic Modes of Psychic Illnesses in a Remote Mountainous Area in Greece”, “Poverty and Social Marginalization in Greek Society, Forms and Mechanisms of Social Disintegration in the Urban and Rural Areas”, etc.

She has contributed along with the German Committee to the proceedings of the International Committee for the Ethiopian Constitution and participated in the E.C. project on “Modernization and Democratization of African Countries”, applied in Ethiopia after the promulgation of its Constitution.

She is interested in the application of Social Anthropology in the public domain as well as in that of psychiatric care. She has contributed and participated in many projects and movements focusing on the sensitization of the public towards: a. the mental illness and the re-integrated mentally ill persons; b. the change of value systems and the change of human relations in a constantly changing global society; c. minority children and their education as in the case of the Greek Muslim children and migrant children; d. the homeless people of Athens, etc. For this work she collaborates with different public institutions, local communities, and different non-profit organizations.

Selected Recent Publications comprise:

2012: « Les Assises de Romanie et leurs traces dans le droit coutumier hellénique » in Mélanges franco-helléniques à la mémoire de Jacques Phytilis, by Andréas Helmis, Nathalie Kálnoky, Soazick Kerneis, (eds) Collection Droit et Cultures, Editions L’Harmattan, Paris.

2015: «“Carving the Body”: Ta Moko and the Eternal Play of Being in the Everyday and the Everlasting», in Lia Yoka and Gregory Paschalidis (eds) Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 82-104.

2017: (with the Legal Anthropology Study Group of Pantelis Ravdas, Spyridon Coulocheris, Anna-Maria Piskopani, Marouso Vaiouli, Panagiota-Melia Pouri) «Modern Laws, Modern Institutions, and Modern Family Forms or the Possibility of Self-Determination as a Family Member with Adjacent Duties and Obligations». “Greek Society”, Year Book of the Research Centre for Greek Society, Athens, Vol. 10-11: 11-46 (in Greek).

2017: (with Charalambos Tsekeris) «Youngsters and Adolescents in Troubled Contexts: Worldwide Perspectives». Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 3-4, pp. 1-10 (published by Routledge on behalf of the British Academy of Social Sciences, London, UK, ISSN: 2158-2041, International Political Science Abstracts and SCOPUS Index). DOI:10.1080/21582041.2017.1386261 

2017: (with Charalambos Tsekeris), (eds) “Investigating Youth in Challenging and Troubled Contexts”, Themed Issue of Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, Volume 12, No. 3-4 (published by Routledge on behalf of the British Academy of Social Sciences, London, UK, ISSN: 2158-2041, SocIndex, Community Wise, International Political Science Abstracts and SCOPUS Index).

2018: (with Charalambos Tsekeris), (eds) (2018). Youth in Troubles: Interdisciplinary Insights and International Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).




Information and contact

Research Centre for Greek Society


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 Fax: +30 210 3664 658

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