Vaxevanoglou Aliki

Aliki Vaxevanoglou

Biographical note


Alice (Aliki) Vaxevanoglou was born in Athens. She has done graduate and post- graduate studies in History and Historical sociology in Paris 1, University of Sorbonne and holds a PhD in Social History. She has worked as a researcher in many Research Programs at the Historical Archives of the National Bank of Greece, at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, and at Universities (Ionian University, University of Ioannina and University of Thessaly). She has taught Greek and European History (University of Crete- Department of Sociology) and various Post Graduate Programs of the Ionian University (Department of History), of the National School of Public Health (Department of Sociology) and of the University of Athens, (Department of Philosophy, Education, Psychology – Section of Intercultural Education and  Department of Italian Language and Literature (MSc "Greek-Italian Studies).

Since 2000 she has been working as a researcher and is currently a Senior Research Fellow in Greek and European social history at the Research Centre for Greek Society of the Academy of Athens. Since 2010 she also has been teaching European History in the Post Graduate Program of the Ionian University (Departments of History and of Informatics), “Historical Research, Teaching and New Technologies”. The theme of her courses is “The Poor and the Social Question in Europe: a Historical Approach”

From 2011 to 2017 she taught “Social and Economic History of Europe” in undergraduate courses of the Hellenic Open University (Studies in European Civilization).

She has published articles in scientific journals (in French, English, and Greek) and is the author of 5 books on social history (in Greek).




1- “Legal” and Undocumented Work Migration.


2- Unaccompanied and Separated Minors’ Migration.

These Research programs have been completed providing a data base of 1,500 cases of undocumented migrants (biographical information). The projects aim at proposing a theoretical approach, to the actual migration phenomenon in Greece and Europe through a historical perspective. The results of these researches have been and are currently presented in post- graduate courses and international conferences΄΄, and have been published in Greek Society, no. 6 and 12, while another publication is a chapter entitled "Is There Informal Labor? The Concept, the ILO's Ideology, and Greece as an Example" in Migrant Actors Worldwide, eds. Dirk Hoerder and Lukas Neißl, Brill Publishing, (forthcoming 2023).

Head of Research: Aliki Vaxevanoglou


3- The Poor and the Social Question, in Europe: a Historical Approach.

Bibliographical research which aims to present the historical evolution of poverty and labour but mostly the attitudes towards the poor, stereotypes, legislations and systems of relief, segregation or punishment… This research is presented in the context of post-graduate courses at the Ionian University and the University of Athens EKPA, Department of Italian Language and Literature. Some parts of the research were published in Greek Society  no. 10-11, the section concerning the poor in the Middle Ages was published by the University Press of Crete (2021) and a part of the research entitled "Revolts and peasant resistance: new interpretations from medieval historiography" is to be published in a collective volume, ed. Gerasimos Pangratis, University of Athens (EKPA) Publications (forthcoming 2023). 

Head of Research: Aliki Vaxevanoglou


4- Labour Relations and Labour Structures in Greece (20th and 21st Centuries)

Based on Censuses, archival material, and oral interviews this research aims to stress the “singular” labour structures of modern Greece, from a diachronic perspective and within the context of the current economic crisis. This new research, closely connected with the precedent ones, is presented in post-graduate courses and international conferences.   

Head of Research: Aliki Vaxevanoglou

5- The International Labour Organisation (ILO): history and ideology with a focus on the concept of "informal" work.  
This research is based on the archival material of the ILO, and particularly after World War II. It traces the formation of the concept of "informal" labour, within the ILO, its subsequent diffusion to other international organizations (e.g. World Bank) and to the scientific community worldwide. This research is presented at international conferences and a first publication will be a chapter entitled "Is There Informal Labor? The Concept, the ILO's Ideology, and Greece as an Example" in Migrant Actors Worldwide, eds. Dirk Hoerder and Lukas Neißl, Brill Publishing, (forthcoming 2023).

Head of Research: Aliki Vaxevanoglou.



Her recent research interests focus on subjects of social history, such as the Greek educational system, the mutations of work and poverty in History, the survival strategies of the poor, the phenomenon of mobility and migration for work (particularly undocumented migration) in Greece and Europe, family, the petty commodity production system, the so-called informal economy, and employment. At the same time, the history and ideological hegemony on labour issues of the International Labour Organisation is explored, focusing on the concept of the so-called informal work.




Greek Capitalists (1900-1940). Social and Economic Perspective, (introduction Spyros Asdrachas), [in Greek] Athens: Themelio, 1994, 327 p.


Social Reception of Innovation. The Example of Electrification in Interwar Greece, [in Greek] Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation, 1996, 182 p.


Greek Gypsies: Marginalised and Family Men, (Introduction Ath. I Godovos) [in Greek] Athens: Alexandria Publication- University of Ioannina, 2001, 184 p.


Sivitanidios School of Crafts and Arts, [in Greek] Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation- Sivitanidios School, Athens, 2005, 300 p.   


Poor People and Social Bonds in Middle Age Europe, [in Greek] Crete University Press, 2021, 508 p.

 This book was included in the short list (Essay Category) of the Committee for the 2022 State Prizes of the Ministry of Culture and Sports (announcement 15-12-2022). See Βραχείες Λίστες Κρατικών Λογοτεχνικών Βραβείων, Βραβείων Λογοτεχνικής Μετάφρασης και Βραβείων Παιδικού Βιβλίου 2022 (


“Businessmen and University in Greece at the Beginning of the 20th century” [in Greek], chapter in University: Ideology and Education  (International Conference), Athens 1989, Α’, 235-243.


"Les relations entre Patrons et Travailleurs vues du côté du patronat", chapter in L'entreprise en Grèce et en Europe, XIème-XXème siècles, (International Conference), ed. Association Interdisciplinaire Franco- hellénique, Athens 1992, 159-168.


"On the question of innovation: a historical approach" [in Greek] , chapter in Sociological approach to the development and protection of the rural environment, edited by Leonidas Louloudis and Nicolas Beopoulos, Stochastis: Agricultural University of Athens, Athens 1999, 115-125.


Aliki Vaxevanoglou "Is There Informal Labor? The Concept, the ILO's Ideology, and Greece as an Example" chapter in Migrant Actors Worldwide, edited by Dirk Hoerder and Lukas Neißl, Brill Publications, (forthcoming 2023).


Aliki Vaxevanoglou "Revolts and peasant resistance: new interpretations from medieval historiography" [in Greek] chapter in a collective volume, ed. G. Pangratis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA) Publications (forthcoming).




“Historicity of Childhood and Youth” (book review), [in Greek] Τa Historica,  6, December 1986,  487-493.


“Employers and Workers at the Beginning of the 20th Century: from the Employers’ Side”, [in Greek] Τa Historica, 14-15, June December 1991, 99-112.


“Greek Capitalists at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Actors and Martyrs”, [in Greek] Τα Historica, 18-19, June December 1993, 79-112.


« Les capitalistes Grecs au début du XXe siècle : comédiens et martyrs », Histoire et Mesure, C.N.R.S, Χ, Paris, 1995, 65-88.


“The Gypsy Family”, [in Greek] Greek Society, 5, 2001, 29- 66.


“The Greek Gypsies: a Mirror of the Past», [in Greek] in Agricultural Society and Folk Culture, International Conference, Athens 2006.


“The Current Migration” [in Greek] Greek Society, 6, 2007, 51-70


“Education in Greece: Appearance and Structure”, Etudes Balkaniques XLVI no 1-2, 2010, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 30-59.


“Poor, Destitute and Distressed People during the Middle Ages in Europe”, [in Greek] Greek Society, 10-11, 2018, 369-452.  


“The Mendicants Orders and the Poor”, [in Greek] Greek Society, 10-11, 2018, 452-490.


“Invisible Workers: Migrants, the Informal Economy and its Transformations,” [in Greek] Greek Society 12, Academy of Athens, 2022, 251–298.




1- 3rd International Conference in Economic and Social History: Labour History: Production, Markets, Relations, Policies (from the Late Middle Ages to the Early 21st Century), University of Ioannina, 24-27 May 2017.

Paper title: “On the Margins of the Current Labor Market: Undocumented Migrants”.


2- The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference: Borders and Technology, University of Athens, 7-10 September 2017. 

Paper title: “The Social Reception of Innovation in Interwar Greece: the technology of electricity”.


3- Second Conference of the European Labour History Νetwork (ELHN), Nanterre and Sorbonne Universities, Paris, 2-4 November 2017

Paper title: “The Work Strategies of the Poor and the Diverse Ways of their Remuneration (Greece, 1900-1970)”.


4- Conference Out of Place: Vagrancy and Settlement, Institute of Historical Research-Senate House, University of London, 5-7 December 2017.

Paper title: “Current Aspects of Vagrancy: Undocumented Migrants in 21st Century Greece”.


5- Twelfth European Social Science History Conference- International Institute of Social History, Queen's University Belfast, 4 - 7 April 2018.

Paper Title: “Work and “Underground” Economy in Greece: a Family Affair”.


6- Seminars of the Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro on the theme Co-existence and interaction between free and unfree labour: The workers’ perspective), University of Turin, 20 - 22 September 2018 

Paper title: “Social Relations, Family, and Labour in 20th Century Greece”.


7- « Justice sociale et travail décent, l’OIT en action depuis 100 ans », “Globalization and Social Justice: A Century of ILO action, 1919-2019”, 26- 28 June 2019 Paris.

Paper title: "Les vicissitudes de la notion d'économie informelle et l'Organisation internationale du travail".  


8- 3rd Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN), Amsterdam, 19-21 September 2019.

Paper title: “Simple commodity production and the diverse ways of labour remuneration”.

Round table: When reproductive/subsistence labour and coercion intermingle: rethinking the others of free labour.

Paper title: “Time, Money, Labour, and Family: the Simple Commodity Production System”.

 9- 56th Conference, International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH), “Migration Worldwide: Left-wing Strategies, Migrant Actors and Capitalist Interests from the Sixteenth Century to the Present” , 23-25 September 2021,  Linz, Austria.

Paper title: “‘Informal’ Labour Market in Greece: the Old, the New, and Migrants”

10- Opening speech at the Scientific Conference: “Social Protest, Revolt and Revolution in pre-modern Italian States (13th-18th century)” - Department of Italian Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Seminar of Italian History and Historiography, Athens, 29-30 November 2021

Title of speech: “Revolts and Peasant Resistances: New Interpretations from Medieval Historiography" [in Greek].   


She is a member of the Greek Economic History Association, the Italian Society of Labour History (Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro – SISLav), the European Labour History Network -ELHN and the Global Labour History Network –GLHN, and also member of the ELHN Working Groups “Remuneration and Bargaining” and “Free and Unfree Labour”.



Information and contact

Research Centre for Greek Society

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14, Anagnostopoulou str., 10673 Athens

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 Fax: +30 210 3664 658

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